Erick Orozco-Ciprian


Ai , Video Games , Reading , Data Science


Languages and Frameworks: C, C++, Java, Javascript, HTML & CSS, Python

Toolsets/OS: Windows, Linux, Git/GitHub, g++


University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI

B.S., Computer Science (expected Spring, 2024)

2021 - Present


Web Developer, UH Manoa Groupings Project

Contribute to the updating and maintaining of the UH Groupings website and project.

  • Maintain, update, and oversee collective UH Groupings
  • Organize and distribute security permissions and files across UH with ease

2022 - Present


Kumu Staff, NHSEMP

Help lead/build curriculum for various NHSEMP projects many of which attribute to the learning and betterment of Native Hawaiian youth

  • Computer Science Kumu/Mentor for the NHS Summer Series Program
  • Kumu for CSP4U which is an accelerated learnign enviroment geared toward those with interest in computer science.
  • Kumu for Stem Day events where we help youth and their famalies build mini engineering kits

2021 - Present


B+ Scholarship, State of Hawaii

Scholarships awarded to incoming freshmen and continuing students who complete a rigorous high school curriculum with a minimum overall GPA of 3.0 at a Hawai'i public school.


Manoa Academic Merit Scholarship, State of Hawaii

Students must have a 3.5 GPA, 1200 SAT or 23 ACT upon the time of application to UH Manoa



Available upon request